Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Baby Card

Hello everyone! One of my close friends is expecting a baby and she'll be leaving for her parents' home next week. So made this card in a hurry.

   It has lots of layers. For the base, I reused a plain cardboard piece that came along with my husband's shirt. I glued tissue paper on it and cut the other layers from the scraps from my previous projects.

   The image is from SweetDreamsBaby - Black Leaf Studios, but I drew it and coloured it using Markers and WaterColour Pencils, since I didn't have Printer. Also I wanted the hair of the baby to be different and to have a touch of mine. I attached the clouds to the moon using double-sided adhesive foam, to give dimension. I punched a heart on one of the layers on the top and hung the moon using a string of wool. Similarly the little smiling stars.

   For the inside of the card, I layered the papers and drew and coloured the little Pram. Glued the punched flowers. I forgot to take the pics before writing the message :( So had to blur the names.

   Made the envelope with a matching piece of paper.

Supplies used:
  • Piece of cardboard, Tissue paper, Scraps from previous projects
  • Jef paper punches - Heart, Flower
  • Markers, Watercolour pencils
  • Craft Scissors


Hope you liked it. Please leave your comments :)

Monday, 19 November 2012

Tag game

Thanks Kavitha n Pooja for tagging me..got to know more about you and the things we have in common..Here are my answers to the questions asked by Tejal..
  1. Where is your cellphone?.......................  On the table, getting charged
  2. Your hair?..................................................Long, frizzy n wavy
  3. Your Mother?.............................................Lots of love n energy
  4. Your Father?.............................................Patient n Highly supportive
  5. Your favourite food?.................................Chinese, anything that is hot n spicy
  6. Your dream last night?.............................Had 2, 3 dreams..so its all messed up :D
  7. Your favourite drink?.................................Milkshakes
  8. Your dream/goal?.....................................My own Art Gallery n Craft Store
  9. What room are you in?.............................Living room
  10. Your hobby?..............................................Reading, Painting, Sketching, Crafting..i keep updating my list constantly
  11. Your fear?.................................................Losing loved ones
  12. Where do you want to be in 6 years?.......Where I picture myself to be
  13. Where were you last night?......................At home
  14. Something that you aren't?.......................Hypocrite, Extrovert
  15. Muffins?.....................................................Love Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana
  16. Wish list item?..........................................Not a single item, it's a list..1st in it comes Happiness :)
  17. Where did you grow up?...........................AndhraPradesh
  18. Last thing you did?....................................Reading Question 18 :P
  19. What are you wearing?.............................PJs and Tshirt
  20. Your TV?...................................................Don't have one now..planning to buy this week
  21. Your pets?................................................Can't keep any here..Had rabbits at my parents' place..
  22. Friends?....................................................A treasure
  23. Your life?...................................................Mostly Ups n Downs..sometimes a horizontal line..
  24. Your mood?..............................................Highly unpredictable usually..Now,lazy n sleepy...
  25. Missing someone?...................................Yes..My creative-self
  26. Vehicle?....................................................My husband's bike
  27. Something you're not wearing?................Makeup
  28. Your favorite store?...................................Book stores, Art n Craft Supply stores
  29. Your favorite color?...................................Bright n Cheerful Colours n Rainbow colours
  30. When was the last time you laughed?......2 hrs back, while watching a TV series on my laptop
  31. Last time you cried?..................................Last month I guess
  32. Your best friend?.......................................There are 4 of them..Whom should I name 1st? :D
  33. One place that I go to over and over?.......Down my memory lane and to the corners of my mind searching for ideas ;)
  34. Facebook?.................................................Is open in the next tab
  35. Favourite place to eat?..............................Roadside chats n fastfoods
Tagging Manu n Shylaashree..

MEGA BLOG CANDY at Bearly Mine Crafts

      Hi everyone! Bearly Mine Crafts is offering a Mega Blog Candy this month, open till Nov 30th..It is open to all the crafters around the world. Plus they have a special Candy for UK followers.
Please click here to participate and check out the rules. Good luck! :)

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Keep Smiling!

    Hi everyone! I know I have been away for a long time. We went on a long trip and I fell sick after returning home. I wanted to craft, but my mind was all foggy and I couldn't come up with any worthy idea.

    Feeling better today and finally my brain is in working mode again. I bought some crepe paper recently. I saw a very nice tutorial for crepe flowers on a blog before the trip and  I wanted to give it a try. Here are my flowers.

        I love this sunny golden yellow. It's so bright and cheerful. It brightened up my day. First I planned on only flowers, but this yellow made me use it more and more on my card. Have a look at this.

Supplies used:
  • Cardstock: White, handmade
  • Crepe paper: Golden yellow
  • Black marker for the sentiment
  • Pinking shears

Hope you liked it. Please leave your comments :)